Monday, July 21, 2014

Hybrid Event In Malaysia

I think i do mention that i had a diploma certificate of Event Management. As my installation had great connection with event organizer, i had analysed some of the problem that are faced by event organizer.

Base on the feedback that are given by Sweii for SOI, she say that it will be good that i make a blog post about event in Malaysia. As my experience in while i am working as an intern and part timer, most of the event that are found in malaysia are these few types , Annual Dinner, Grand Opening, Roadshow, Exhibition, Concert and Conference.

Base on my experience, nowadays small and mid class company will find event organizer for the first two years. But after that they will start to organize the event by their marketing team. As for big company they will had their own event team and mostly will find advertising or creative agency to come out with creative campaign.

Malaysia's event organizing and program idea is like a cycle. If one company did this other company will just follow. How many halloween annual dinner have you attend before , pirate or masquerade? When we went to roadshow, we always will see this kind of games like lucky draw, or spinning wheel. When you see this kind of events, normally is because of one major issue which it is the budget or lazy event organizer. And in the industry people call this Hybrid Event. Hybrid event in simple definition is reusing other event idea and repackage to their own event.

To prove this you just need to google image search : malaysia masquerade annual dinner

and this is the result will show out 

But these recent years, due to the evolution of technology, event industry had improvement but using gadget to wow the participant but normally are found large scale events.  For example like including games console like driving simulator games and kinect sensor games are some of most common one we can found. For launching and gala dinner will be project mapping.

Technology is one of the tool to enhance the experience of user. And by using the fun factor of games and price, the experience will even better. This is the reason why mostly roadshow event or promotion event will have game and price; to create crowd.

But there are some successful and create by the event organizer, or technology provider. Like touch panel , interactive installation or automatic photo booth.

We can say that is one of the area that interactive media designer can show off their skill. But for event organizer  first they will be thinking about costing, how much will the gadget cost. how much will the program cost. Then how much is their budget. Maintainent fees. Will the gadget user friendly and long lasting.

Most of the event props will be re use for maximum two or three years depends how carefully the organizers are and how lucky they are. Why say lucky because some of the gadget will be damage or even destroyed during the event.

Although malaysia event is not in a good level, but as a interactive designer plus graduated event student i think am to use my current project to solve some of the problem and also create a brand new experience to the event participant.

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