Websocket test progress.
I found this tutorial to create a chat room with websocket and the link below have the step by step tutorial.
I first start to download Apache server. As i know websocket is basically a socket that transfer and received through a server so i download Apache server for transferring data.
then i start to do design the interface. I import most of the code by following the step in the tutorial. Inserting Javascript and css. but the are some error due to lack knowledge of websocket and limited knowledge of server connection. With the test progress i am able to know how much i know about websocket and base on that i also continue researching on websocket and consulting lecturer yee siang for more information.
Below is some of my progress:
After finish the tutorial, i feel that i need to come out a contingency plan just in case that websocket may affect the final result of my final project. During the consultation, lecturers also gave some advice that can try to figure some other format to bring out the experience. I think application is also one of the way that can be use to help event company. but if websocket is able to success after my research and test and i will combine them both to make the experience and idea even solid.